Nike is stealing from the workers who sew our university apparel.
Students won’t stand for it.
Workers at the Hong Seng Knitting garment factory in Thailand, who sew university apparel for Nike, have been robbed, abused, and retaliated against.

When the factory was temporarily closed during the pandemic, it was required by law to pay workers part of their wages. Instead, the factory forced workers to accept unpaid leave, robbing them of more than $800,000.
Hong Seng workers are demanding Nike and its supplier pay the wages they owe immediately.
Kyaw San Oo worked at Hong Seng Knitting for 3 years. When he spoke up about his stolen wages, factory management reported him to the police.
Fearing unjust imprisonment in Thailand, where police often mistreat migrant workers, Kyaw was forced to flee to Myanmar. Just as borders were closing in response to the pandemic, he drove his wife and infant away from the country they called home for 10 years.
That same year, Nike raked in record profits of $5.7 billion.

We cannot allow our universities to enable mass wage theft while Nike makes billions on the backs of its workers.
Our universities make millions from their sponsorship deals with Nike, so when Nike steals from workers, our universities profit. Using our unique leverage as students, we can force Nike to pay workers the money they are owed.